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意大利ID InsertDeal公司获得 EAC - CU TR 010/2011证书


意大利ID Insert Deal公司已获得欧亚关税同盟(俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、亚美尼亚和吉尔吉斯斯坦)技术法规CU TR 010/2011相关的EAC认证。本技术法规适用于在这些国家销售的设备、机械和工具,并规定了有关设计、生产、装配、修理、运行、储存、运输、分配和回收的安全要求。

EAC认证是关于欧亚关税同盟的第三份插入交易项目认证:其他认证为EAC Ex-CU TR 012/2011和EAC-CU TR 032/2013。前者涉及爆炸危险环境中设备的安全,后者涉及压力设备的安全(类似于欧盟的PED法规)。

ID Insert Deal has obtained the EAC Certification related to the technical regulation CU TR 010/2011 for the Eurasian Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakistan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan). This technical regulation is applied to equipements, machineries and tools sold in these countries and defines the safety requirements about design, production, assembling, repairing, functioning, storage, transport, allocation and recycling.
The EAC Certification is the third certification regarding the Eurasian Customs Union available on Insert Deal items: the others are the EAC Ex - CU TR 012/2011 and the EAC – CU TR 032/2013. The first is related to the safety of equipment in explosion hazardous environment, while the latter is on safety of pressure equipments (similar to the PED regulation for the European Union).
